Thursday, December 31, 2020

Auld Lang Syne

Thursday, New Year's Eve, we made the move from Jordan Lake to Falls Lake.  With a run to WalMart to restock and the new site a fair bit further away from family (down some windy twisty back roads), there really wasn't much else we did that day except to head over to A&R's to smoke out steaks and enjoy a quiet NYE with them.

New Year's day, back at the new camp site, RDB and I started the year of right with a few mimosas.

Diesel, being too young to drink, spent the morning sleeping in and goofing off.

We had hoped to see RDB's lil sis and her family during our week in Raleigh, but it didn't work out.  We stayed at the campsite Friday day hoping for one last try, but it just wasn't meant to be.  

Thankfully, there were others who made the effort to come see us on our last day, including MS, one of RDB's long time friends, SPNC drove up after work, and A&R came back once more.  

RDB grilled out hamburgers...

MS had brought a few nice cigars...

SPNC got to play with Diesel for a bit...

And A and I got to enjoy time chatting about life and family, frustrations and gratefulness. 

I'm certainly grateful to have such a loving family in my life. And RDB's tea the next morning just confirmed even more-so what I already knew: 

Saturday morning we packed up from Raleigh and hit the long road back home.  We're taking a much slower pace, and a southern route, and I'm so looking forward to these next campsites and the adventures they will bring.

We were at Falls Lake Recreation Area, Rolling View loop, Site #25.  30amp and water - which they DO keep on during the winter months. The picnic table and fire ring are down a set of steps on a lower level of the site, and as you keep going down you'll be right on the water's edge.  Plenty of room side to side to be able to park the trailer and truck next to each other. Very wooded - I'd imagine during the spring and summer months you probably can't even see the water, and in the fall, perhaps the leaves changing colors would be magical.  It was a nice site, but we likely wouldn't come back to this one - simply because of the driving distance from north Raleigh down to Garner where the family is. 

For more camping pictures, go here

And for a quick primer on Auld Lang Syne, go here

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