Friday, September 4, 2020

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait


It took six weeks, lots of emails, an unknown number of phones calls, a trip to Corpus Christi, and I can't remember how many other campers we looked at, but here we are, finally, finally, at a place where we can simply say:

Ron Hoover made it right.

We had no idea the saga that would be our experience with campers this year - we came to Ron Hoover in July excited to buy a new camper to get us out of the mold drama that was the Wildcat we purchased from PPL in Feburary, not knowing that the new camper we bought had "lot rot" - a quarter-sized hole in the roof membrane that had allowed water to leak in and create mold in the rafters of our new 2019 Palomino Columbus, which we discovered after only 17 days of owning it.

(Y'all, it's crazy to see the last 7 months' worth of anguish so succinctly written out in just one paragraph.)


Yet, here we are! 

Yes, that's me on the roof (with Lance, one of the service techs) crawling around inspecting every single inch to make sure we weren't walking into the same issue the last one had with a hole in the roof membrane.  

I went on the roof. 

Lance went on the roof. 

Rusty, our sales guy, went on the roof. 

Even Ken - the general manager - went on the roof.  

We were leaving no stone unturned on this inspection and I'm thrilled to say, the 2021 Palomino Columbus Compass Series they traded us into was in excellent - NEW - condition.

It was as close of a like-for-like trade as they could get; the new 2019 that we had bought in July had a few more tech bells and whistles (we could control the lights and slides from our phones, as well as checking our tank levels), and the floor plan was a bit different (there was a bar sink in the kitchen), and there was TV in the bedroom (they added one for us on the spot). The furniture was an upgrade in the 2019 so we asked Ken if he'd be willing to switch them so that we could keep the Lazyboy branded leather loveseat and residential sofa sleeper - and he gladly did!  Overall, we were very happy with the trade out. 

It was probably the fastest sign-the-papers moment we've ever experienced. Since we paid cash for the 2019, and Ken made it an across the board trade for the 2021, I think it was only 5 minutes of signing over the title and a few other warrantee transfer docs, and we were out the door.  

Kudos, again, to the service department: Lance did a walk thru for us, and then brought the old 2019 over to the inspection area, facing door to door, so that we could transition all the personal items we had left behind when we dropped it off a month and a half ago.  We had been stocking to head to Colorado, so needless to say, there we a number of trips up and down the stairs moving things into the 2021 unit.  A big shout-out to Rusty, for hanging with us not just thru all of this mess, but also taking the initiative to help us move items from one camper to the other - in the rain no less!

Ron Hoover made it right.  

Ken, as much as I'm sure he was exasperated by RDB's firmness, made it right. 

In a world where it's hard to trust that a corporation really stands behind it's products and services to their customers, Ron Hoover in Katy stood behind their word that when they sold us a new camper, with a major unknown issue, that they would make it right.

They deserve that "5-star rating" they brag about.

Now, enough of all this, on to making memories!

(Wish us luck!)

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